Small Grants Program 23-24
Approved projects
Learn about the variety of community-led projects that are receiving support through the Monteverde Community Fund in this edition of our program.
Hecho en Monteverde
Position the "Made in Monteverde" seal nationally and internationally through productive linkages, offering high-quality products, services, and cultural experiences. This will be achieved through a joint marketing strategy that reaffirms Monteverde as a sustainable, resilient destination with environmental, social, and cultural responsibility.

"Arcoiris de Vida"
Develop actions that allow adults, youth, and children to inclusively participate in and promote cultural activities through training in folkloric dance. This will enhance the community's cultural identity with a social projection, through training and the creation of traditional costumes for the children in the group.

CCCP Riochante
Establecer un espacio seguro de encuentro e intercambio multicultural para jóvenes, personas adultas mayores y la comunidad del cantón de Monteverde. Se habilitará el espacio abandonado de la antigua Pizzería de Johnny.

Cine Entre Montañas
Crear espacios de arte, aprendizaje, cultura y encuentro comunitario, por medio del cine en el cantón de Monteverde.

Far Corners
The TC-FC offers tools for life in an educational and human training profile program, which uses the arts as pedagogical strategies. We seek, through this Community Theater Program, to create an action cultural initiative that generates identity benefits and strengthens youth and community leadership.The Community Theater will address the absences in artistic training in the region, providing alternatives educational -consistent and constant-, aimed at promoting the mental health that the arts provide, the gestation of recognition of cultural identities and their correlation with citizen coexistence, and also promote youth leadership in order to identify and impact quality improvement of personal, family and community life through qualities of proactive citizenship. The identification of your own entrepreneurial and employment capabilities and skills.

Karate Monteverde
The purpose of this project is to provide support and opportunities to young people, strengthening the Karate training program and providing the approved equipment necessary to train so that they can fully participate as athletes in an equitable and accessible manner, providing the conditions and equipment necessary for young people. Stay motivated, taking on challenges and improving.

El 80% del dinero distribuido este término proviene de productores locales de café.
La Alianza de Tours de Café Monteverde jugó un papel indispensable en el apoyo a nuestro Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones en 2022. Usando el sistema que asigna $1 por visitante a proyectos comunitarios, han recaudado más de $77,000 a la fecha, demostrando una vez más el enorme potencial que tenemos como comunidad organizada y destino turístico.
Para ayudarle a ampliar su impacto

Para apoyar iniciativas que beneficien a los y las residentes de la Zona de Monteverde, entre las edades de 12 y 30 años, para que puedan realizar sus potenciales individuales y ser participantes activos en su comunidad.